Class: InputGroup

vivalid. InputGroup

new InputGroup(inputsArray, submitElems, onValidationSuccess, onValidationFailure, pendingUiStartopt, pendingUiStopopt, groupStatesChangedopt, groupPendingChangedopt, onBeforeValidationopt, onAfterValidationopt, resetElemsopt)

creates a new InputGroup
Name Type Attributes Description
inputsArray Array.<vivalid.Input> the group's state is evalutated by:
invalid: if at least 1 inputs in inputsArray is invalid
pending: if all inputs in inputsArray are valid/pending and at least 1 is pending
valid: if all inputs in inputsArray are valid
submitElems Array.<HTMLElement> an array of elements that should trigger the group's validation. The elements click event will either immediately trigger onValidationSuccess / onValidationFailure, or go through pendingUiStart and pendingUiStop if the group is in 'pending' mode.
onValidationSuccess function signature of onValidationSuccess. A function called when a submitElem is clicked and group state is valid or as a callback after it reaches a valid state from a pending state. Use this function to proceed with the application flow.
onValidationFailure function signature of onValidationFailure. A function called when a submitElem is clicked and group state is invalid or as a callback after it reaches an invalid state from a pending state. Use this function to show message about the form state for the user.
pendingUiStart function <optional>
signature of pendingUiStart. highly recommneded when using asyc client-server validations. A function called when a submitElem is clicked and group state is pending. Use this function to show a loader or disable inputs while the group waits for the pending validations to complete.
pendingUiStop function <optional>
signature of pendingUiStop. highly recommneded when using asyc client-server validations. A function called when leaving a group pending state after a submitElem is clicked. Use this function to undo the UX effects taken inside pendingUiStart.
groupStatesChanged function <optional>
groupPendingChanged function <optional>
onBeforeValidation function <optional>
Signature of onBeforeValidation. A function to be called before triggering any of the input's validators
onAfterValidation function <optional>
Signature of onAfterValidation. A function to be called after triggering all of the input's validators
resetElems Array.<HTMLElement> <optional>
an array of elements that should trigger the group's validation _reset.